What If I Could Tell You a Way To Get FREE, Advertising???
Would You Be Interested? Of Course You Would!
Who Wouldn't?
Well, there IS a completely free advertising avenue on the web that anyone can use in order to Generate Free Prospects, Promotion, and Profits!
And you're about to discover the secrets to generating it ALL... through writing ezine articles and distributing them throughout the Internet.
Would You Be Interested? Of Course You Would!
Who Wouldn't?
Well, there IS a completely free advertising avenue on the web that anyone can use in order to Generate Free Prospects, Promotion, and Profits!
And you're about to discover the secrets to generating it ALL... through writing ezine articles and distributing them throughout the Internet.
"Sounds great," you might be thinking. "But HOW do I write an ezine article?"
I'm glad you asked...
I've released a software program that *literally* walks you through the
entire process of creating articles .
It guides you through every step of writing a terrific article! Then, you can use the bonus gifts provided in the package to know WHERE and HOW to submit your articles!
"You see, most folks don't really understand how to BEST use ezine articles to promote a product or service, or their favorite affiliate program.
They know they are supposed to write an article, include some kind of irrisistible offer in the text or in their resource box, and convince editors to publish their article.
But, there is even a MORE clever way to use your article to promote...
And I'm going to share it with you right now.
There are only five steps. And they are all simple...
Step 1: Choose the product or service you want to promote.
It all begins with deciding what you want to promote. Is it your own product or service? How about your favorite affiliate program? Perhaps you may even want to promote Instant Writer Software -more on that later...
Decide what it is that you want to promote through your free ezine article. Now, you're ready to experience the magic...
Step 2: Think of a way to create a desire for MORE:
Now that you know what your're promoting, you will need to create an article that directly relates to the product or service that you have. Relax! There's lots of different ways to do this and the Instant Article Creator explains it in detail.
Here's how it works:
What if...
You wanted to promote the Instant Query Letters software program in a free ezine article?
How could you use an ezine article to promote the software?
First, you would choose your target market. In this case, it's writers that want to be published in consumer magazines, books, etc.
Then, you would do a litte research on the web. You soon discover that many editors are annoyed. They are receiving too many incomplete, shoddy query letters. They claim that new writers just don't know HOW to write decent queries. They say that many wonderful story ideas end up in "file 13," due to the lack of necessary information they need to consider requesting the whole manuscript.
You find that there are five major components that every editor desires that are often missing!
You've hit the jackpot! Now, you have just the right content for you article!
Now, all you have to do is organize the content that you've discovered into a great article and add a headline that will literally PULL every writer's eyes to it!
( All of this is explained in detail in the Instant Article Creator.)
See how easy this is?
Step 3: Turn your approach into a tips list.
"How to Generate More Acceptance Letters and Book Sales With Professional Query Letters"
"7 Powerful And Profitable Ways To Use Query Letters To Skyrocket Your Writing Income"
"Want to Increase Your Freelance Income? Here are 7 Ways to Do It..."
That's all you need to do. Determine your goals.. Decide how to get there with your "Make 'em want MORE approach. And then develop a list, or even a step-by-step tutorial for your article that leads the reader to the destination you choose.
With each new strategy, step, tip, or idea that you share, you can direct the reader's mind toward feeling the need for your future offer! They are practically buyers already! Hynoptic marketing like this works. Period.
Step 4: Add your responses. Then elaborate on each point.
Here's more of the easy part. Just add your responses to the boxes on the Instant Article Creator.. Make them good. Provide quality content. Then expand on each of your responses.
Step 5: Pretend you are the customer. Read your article with a "critical" eye.
*Is it useful?
*Did you find any glaring typos or goofs?
*Does it make you want MORE?
See, it's not so hard!
Just read what the Author of the e-book "Articles That Sell." has to say about the Instant Article Creator...
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