Will you be one of the many people who will try to build their own electric car in the next 30 days? Some will succeed with fast, reliable, economical electric vehicles... And others will fail - or simply give up.
So what makes the difference? Why can some do it and others can’t? How can you be sure to complete an electric car conversion that isn't a complete failure that ended up costing you thousands? Are those the sort of questions racing through your mind as you wonder if it’s really worth the risk & hassle?
But on the other hand, what if it really does work?
What if you could legally convert your car to run on electricity and...
Get a Federal Income tax credit of up to $4000? (*)
Reduce your Carbon Emissions by as much as 100%?
Reduce your impact towards Climate Change
Save truckloads of money on fuel - while laughing at rising gas prices?
* (for US Citizens)
Your dream is to do it yourself, but that takes a lot of planning and information.
Where in the world will you get everything you need to succeed?
Well, you’ve come to the right place, because I’ve already converted my car to run on electricity and I’m going to share with you all the “insider secrets” that only people who've already converted vehicles successfully would know about.
But before we go any further…I've gotta admit something:
"My neighbors actually laughed at me when I told
them I was going to convert an electric car. But only
a few months later I proved them wrong..."
On the 12th of March 2007 I embarked on a journey: I started converting my own electric car. To be honest it was a pretty terrifying thought. I knew nothing about electric cars and changing my car's motor oil was my mechanical limit.
I told my neighbors what I was doing and they laughed, thinking I was joking! Many saw it as unnecessary, and that could be true - if it was still 1986...
Remember the 80's? Big hair, big money and no reality TV. When smoking was allowed anywhere and mobile phones were something for yuppies only. When oil flowed faster than tap water, and didn't cost much more.
That was a long time ago. Nowadays, Grandma has a cellphone and even a spoonful of oil costs more than a low-fat- double-shot-soymilk-mocha-latte.
Right now, we are living in a different world. A world where gas prices are unpredictable, and rising. A world where pollution affects every major city. A world where oil is expected to run out during our own lifetimes.
The world is currently at the mercy of foreign oil. When the oil producing nations recently raised the price of gas to $5 a gallon the global economy collapsed. We're now starting to recover from it but every month, slowly but surely, the price of gas climbs again...
The recent film Who Killed the Electric Car encouraged me to finally begin researching the project, with the experience of waiting in a nearby gas service station recently for 15 minutes being the final straw. I know it was a Saturday, but having to wait for 15 long minutes for $30 worth of something I didn't want in the first place? No thank you!
So what makes the difference? Why can some do it and others can’t? How can you be sure to complete an electric car conversion that isn't a complete failure that ended up costing you thousands? Are those the sort of questions racing through your mind as you wonder if it’s really worth the risk & hassle?
But on the other hand, what if it really does work?
What if you could legally convert your car to run on electricity and...
Get a Federal Income tax credit of up to $4000? (*)
Reduce your Carbon Emissions by as much as 100%?
Reduce your impact towards Climate Change
Save truckloads of money on fuel - while laughing at rising gas prices?
* (for US Citizens)
Your dream is to do it yourself, but that takes a lot of planning and information.
Where in the world will you get everything you need to succeed?
Well, you’ve come to the right place, because I’ve already converted my car to run on electricity and I’m going to share with you all the “insider secrets” that only people who've already converted vehicles successfully would know about.
But before we go any further…I've gotta admit something:
"My neighbors actually laughed at me when I told
them I was going to convert an electric car. But only
a few months later I proved them wrong..."
On the 12th of March 2007 I embarked on a journey: I started converting my own electric car. To be honest it was a pretty terrifying thought. I knew nothing about electric cars and changing my car's motor oil was my mechanical limit.
I told my neighbors what I was doing and they laughed, thinking I was joking! Many saw it as unnecessary, and that could be true - if it was still 1986...
Remember the 80's? Big hair, big money and no reality TV. When smoking was allowed anywhere and mobile phones were something for yuppies only. When oil flowed faster than tap water, and didn't cost much more.
That was a long time ago. Nowadays, Grandma has a cellphone and even a spoonful of oil costs more than a low-fat- double-shot-soymilk-mocha-latte.
Right now, we are living in a different world. A world where gas prices are unpredictable, and rising. A world where pollution affects every major city. A world where oil is expected to run out during our own lifetimes.
The world is currently at the mercy of foreign oil. When the oil producing nations recently raised the price of gas to $5 a gallon the global economy collapsed. We're now starting to recover from it but every month, slowly but surely, the price of gas climbs again...
The recent film Who Killed the Electric Car encouraged me to finally begin researching the project, with the experience of waiting in a nearby gas service station recently for 15 minutes being the final straw. I know it was a Saturday, but having to wait for 15 long minutes for $30 worth of something I didn't want in the first place? No thank you!
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