Without a doubt, the Internet Law Compliance guide (ILC) a guide to internet law, is the best bang for the buck a web-marketer can own. Alexa (search engine rating service) ranks our site at 61,000 in the U.S. That’s good, if you don’t already know. (Rankings change constantly so if you check it may be up or down for the day.)
This internet law guide can prove that it can increase sales while keeping you legal. Just read the book to find out how!
Look, you’re an adult. You’re embarking on a new adventure with the hopes of making money. You know by now, I hope, that while the Internet has tremendous freedom, it is regulated and, every now and then, someone is made an example of by regulating agencies.
I don’t want to scare you by the horror stories that I’ve personally and professionally witnessed where I had to helplessly standby as very successful internet entrepreneurs got crushed by regulatory agencies because they made very simple mistakes. If you make up your mind that you’re not going to buy my guide to internet law, then for goodness-sakes buy someone’s. Or, better, go see a live lawyer who knows about Internet law, the FTC, the FDA, and marketing.
What most folks don’t understand is that regulatory agencies win even if they lose in the end. Think about it. The way they work these days is to, suddenly, without warning, freeze your assets – all of them – with a restraining order. Afterwards, they serve you with the complaint containing the allegations of wrongdoing. Suddenly, no access to bank accounts. No ability to sell assets to raise money. No money for your mortgage, car payment or food. Got the picture? So what happens next? Well, you’ve got to get a lawyer. A really good lawyer, right? I mean jail time and huge fines are involved. $250,000 worth of lawyer’s retainer. How much money do you have? None. So you have the unenviable task of finding the best lawyer you can with no money and telling him your sad story while at the same time you’re trying to retain him to defend you.
Like it so far? We haven’t even started. You can imagine, with no money, that your life starts to crumble rather quickly. Three months and your car is gone. You’ve borrowed from friends and family just to eat. Six months and your house is gone. When the “deal” is finally offered by the government, you grab it. The regulatory agency keeps all your money except what your lawyer gets and you can go back to your crushed life and start over. I’m not making this up. It’s real. It happens. What to do?
It’s all explained in the FTC Report included in your purchase.
Or how about this. You sell a health product and make claims you shouldn’t. What claims are those? You’d better find out because if you fail it’s PRISON. No fooling. I’ve personally known three people who are in prison as we speak. I warned them. They didn’t listen. They had great products. I bought them myself. In their own way they were geniuses about health. They were making serious money. But to a person they were making fatal mistakes. In one case the FDA sent a team into a foreign country to “kidnap” the web-seller and take him back to the U.S. for trial. They “kidnapped” the wrong guy and went back empty handed! Later the agency got the web-seller legally deported and he’s now in prison in the U.S. This isn’t some stranger I’m telling you about. I’ve eaten dinner with his family. What to do?
It’s all explained in the FDA Report included in your purchase.
The various User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Purchase Agreement forms included with the ILC package are about outlining the rights of visitors and websites. They are designed to protect you from frivolous litigation.
Here’s a freebee. Rule of Thumb: You live and die with regulatory agencies with the copy on your website and your disclaimers and disclosures. Whereas you live and die with your customers or visitors with your User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Purchase Agreement. Unlike what you may believe, you cannot undo in Purchase Agreement disclaimers that you should have made in-line – in the copy itself. The weasel clauses might work for civil litigation but not for infractions of regulatory laws and rulings.
More of ILC’s copyrighted forms (fully-licensed to purchasers) are used on the web than another other publication like it in the world! The ILC guide, seven years on the market, is constantly updated whenever the law or practices change.
Internet Law Compliance is written by a lawyer for internet marketers, not law professors. Jack Campitelli, J.D., was trained by the famous lawyer-turned-gigantic-web-marketer Shawn Casey. He wasn’t trained in law by Shawn Casey. He was trained for years in marketing. Then Shawn Casey convinced him to write what grew into the Internet Law Compliance guide.
This internet law guide can prove that it can increase sales while keeping you legal. Just read the book to find out how!
Look, you’re an adult. You’re embarking on a new adventure with the hopes of making money. You know by now, I hope, that while the Internet has tremendous freedom, it is regulated and, every now and then, someone is made an example of by regulating agencies.
I don’t want to scare you by the horror stories that I’ve personally and professionally witnessed where I had to helplessly standby as very successful internet entrepreneurs got crushed by regulatory agencies because they made very simple mistakes. If you make up your mind that you’re not going to buy my guide to internet law, then for goodness-sakes buy someone’s. Or, better, go see a live lawyer who knows about Internet law, the FTC, the FDA, and marketing.
What most folks don’t understand is that regulatory agencies win even if they lose in the end. Think about it. The way they work these days is to, suddenly, without warning, freeze your assets – all of them – with a restraining order. Afterwards, they serve you with the complaint containing the allegations of wrongdoing. Suddenly, no access to bank accounts. No ability to sell assets to raise money. No money for your mortgage, car payment or food. Got the picture? So what happens next? Well, you’ve got to get a lawyer. A really good lawyer, right? I mean jail time and huge fines are involved. $250,000 worth of lawyer’s retainer. How much money do you have? None. So you have the unenviable task of finding the best lawyer you can with no money and telling him your sad story while at the same time you’re trying to retain him to defend you.
Like it so far? We haven’t even started. You can imagine, with no money, that your life starts to crumble rather quickly. Three months and your car is gone. You’ve borrowed from friends and family just to eat. Six months and your house is gone. When the “deal” is finally offered by the government, you grab it. The regulatory agency keeps all your money except what your lawyer gets and you can go back to your crushed life and start over. I’m not making this up. It’s real. It happens. What to do?
It’s all explained in the FTC Report included in your purchase.
Or how about this. You sell a health product and make claims you shouldn’t. What claims are those? You’d better find out because if you fail it’s PRISON. No fooling. I’ve personally known three people who are in prison as we speak. I warned them. They didn’t listen. They had great products. I bought them myself. In their own way they were geniuses about health. They were making serious money. But to a person they were making fatal mistakes. In one case the FDA sent a team into a foreign country to “kidnap” the web-seller and take him back to the U.S. for trial. They “kidnapped” the wrong guy and went back empty handed! Later the agency got the web-seller legally deported and he’s now in prison in the U.S. This isn’t some stranger I’m telling you about. I’ve eaten dinner with his family. What to do?
It’s all explained in the FDA Report included in your purchase.
The various User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Purchase Agreement forms included with the ILC package are about outlining the rights of visitors and websites. They are designed to protect you from frivolous litigation.
Here’s a freebee. Rule of Thumb: You live and die with regulatory agencies with the copy on your website and your disclaimers and disclosures. Whereas you live and die with your customers or visitors with your User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Purchase Agreement. Unlike what you may believe, you cannot undo in Purchase Agreement disclaimers that you should have made in-line – in the copy itself. The weasel clauses might work for civil litigation but not for infractions of regulatory laws and rulings.
More of ILC’s copyrighted forms (fully-licensed to purchasers) are used on the web than another other publication like it in the world! The ILC guide, seven years on the market, is constantly updated whenever the law or practices change.
Internet Law Compliance is written by a lawyer for internet marketers, not law professors. Jack Campitelli, J.D., was trained by the famous lawyer-turned-gigantic-web-marketer Shawn Casey. He wasn’t trained in law by Shawn Casey. He was trained for years in marketing. Then Shawn Casey convinced him to write what grew into the Internet Law Compliance guide.
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