For The First Time Revealed To The Public!
After 20 Years On The “Inside”, It's Time To Pull The Curtains Back Before Your Eyes...Revealing The Dirty Secrets That Have Been Kept From You By Financial Advisors And The “Fed” About Gold Investing...
Then, I'll Reveal Exactly How To Buy Gold Safely...And Secure Your Financial Future By Putting Your Money Into Gold The Right Way!...
Do you think your other financial investments are 100% safe right now? Most people don't.
What's scary is exactly how right they are to think that way.
In fact, the dollar has lost much of its buying power altogether. Could it be that we are on the verge of a total dollar collapse? I will leave that to your imagination after I present 3 very distinct stories to you right in this letter.
After 20 years in the financial services industry in various capacities...I have seen enough deception and misinformation about investing to make you sick.
It's finally time to reveal the real truth about securing your financial future. Quite frankly, after reading the horror stories that might feel a panic attack coming on...and I don't say that lightly.
Everything you have heard, or “think you know” about gold investing, is wrong.
But please don't panic, even if you're feeling a little're not the only one. I am also going to provide you with the solution that will reveal a way to totally secure your financial future, even in a deep recession.
But I am getting ahead of myself
Here's a story about my own Mom and Dad...
They didn't listen to the advice I gave them...
And they lost thousands of dollars as a result!
My own Mom and Dad were having a conversation with me one day...and the conversation started to lean towards the recession we're having, and how to secure their own financial future.
Since I don't want the same to happen to you, I want to share this story with you in hopes you will follow the path that leads to riches...and not the poor house.
So my parents asked me a simple question, so I could try to help them with their financial investments...
“Doug, what can you invest in that counteracts the fall of the U.S. Dollar?”
I told them the real answer...invest in gold the correct way (it's all detailed in the “Buy Gold Safely” guide).
Because my parents had a financial advisor already helping them...they asked that question of their advisor...only to get the typical response from him...
Foreign currencies investments (Forex and others).
I answered gold, their financial advisor answers foreign currencies...
Gold is the answer (when bought correctly). Gold doesn't represent a simple reflection of wealth in is wealth.
But brokers are taught that gold is a bad investment over time (which is incorrect and costly thinking).
Sidebar: In other words, your own financial broker probably doesn't know the real truth about gold...and you could be losing BIG TIME because of that.
On with our story...
Since my parents trusted their advisor with their money...felt more comfortable listening to that advisor about their investment...they had him prepare their investment portfolio accordingly.
And that was the problem right there.
Nothing against me, of course...I am their son, but they simply felt more comfortable trusting their advisor and his financial advice at the time.
That was about 3 and a half years before I got the call (that I expected) from my Dad
“Doug, you were right! We lost a lot of money...”
What a sad day that was.
I never wanted to be “right” per say...because my parents got the “short end of the stick” in this scenario...but because my parents had chosen to listen to a mis-informed advisor...they lost big time.
Their financial future had suffered a major setback. Following one little piece of my advice 3.5 years earlier could not only have saved them huge financial heartache, but made them a TON of money.
This part of the story has a happy ending though...
Dad is now an active trader in gold...and Mom and Dad are doing quite well for themselves financially. Needless to say, they listen to my advice now.
That's why I wrote this guide “Buy Gold Safely”.
I want to do my part to make sure that people quit getting ripped off, misinformed, and misled about gold investing. I also want to make sure that people know the full and real truth about gold investing, then show them a complete blueprint for investing in gold the right way.
You might be thinking to yourself...
“Well then Doug, why do I need your guide to know that?
Can't I just buy gold through the many companies that sell those coins and stuff?
How about through one of those gold investment companies?
My own financial advisor?”
Doug says: Sure... you can do any of the above...but my advice is to wait until you read page XX of my guide first.
I have prepared that special section in my “Buy Gold Safely” guide to expose quite a few “white lies” and misinformation circulating in most of the financial investment circles.
At least that's my advice. Read that page, and the following section...or end up like countless others...making critical mistakes with their financial futures.
I do understand though, if like my Dad, you are more comfortable going the “other” route that most people do.
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